Titian Asli Induction Course (TACTIC 2013)
Alhamdulillah and praise to Allah for His blessings we, Titian Asli Club managed to organised Titian Asli Induction Course 2013 (TACTIC 2013). This two day program which begins from 8/3/2013 to 9/3/2013 is lead by Brother Nik Muhammad Uqbah is considered as a successful program as we managed to achieve our goals of this program. We hope from this program the new members wouldn't feel awkward around other members and see each other as part of a family. This coincides with our club motto ' Bridging The Distance, Manifesting The Existence'.
Various games and module had been planned by the committee for this program. The participant of this program, mostly new intake students were invited and they have given good response during the program. All of us enjoy ourselves during the program and of course the ukhuwah of all of us have become stronger.
This bond is what connecting us together and insyaAllah , we hope this bond will last till Jannah.